In junior and senior year of high school, you can take college classes that are placed on the high school transcript. While it is true that the student will not receive freshman admission scholarships, community college courses are so inexpensive the strategy can still save a family money.
For some families and in some situations, it will make sense to take summer course at the community college and delay admission into a university. Each university can set their own policy about these kinds of things, therefore it can vary widely across states and counties and colleges. For that reason, some universities do not accept community college courses for credit, and those classes will count just like any other high school level course. Colleges refer to it as "dual enrollment" and it is common across the country.
These scholarships usually come from the university, and they make the decisions about the admission status of each student. So taking community college courses while you are in high school is not a problem. Taking ANY community college courses after you graduate high school, during the summer before going to the university, can be a BIG problem and it can eliminate the freshman scholarships. When college classes are counted toward high school graduation, then they are counted as high school courses, and the student is still thought to be a freshman in terms of the university admission.
Here is the big problem: the moment the student graduates high school, all community college classes are no longer regarded as high school classes. monitor arm hanging lcd monitor stand Suppliers One single course taken during the summer may mean you are a transfer admission instead, and not eligible for freshman scholarships. There are some universities that are dissatisfied with the academics of community college classes. That means if you take even one single credit during the summer after senior year it can cancel your freshman status on your application.
Article Tags: Community College Courses, Dual Enrollment, College Classes, High School, Community College, College Courses
I hope that helps! Remember that in Washington State, dual enrollment in community college is funded by the State of Washington, and is called Running Start.
Although I have not done research on the NCAA, I have heard people say that dual enrollment courses can affect your ability to play NCAA sports, so that is also something worth checking. Taking college classes within the context of dual enrollment is fine. Because dual enrollment for public school students is not usually offered during the summer, they may assume that ANY summer classes at a community college are not dual enrollment.
It is a good idea to contact the university you are applying to - well in advance, if possible. You want to make sure to check on that. Taking college classes within the context of dual enrollment is fine.
One small detail about going to college as a freshman means you have to remain a freshman until you begin at the University.One small detail about going to college as a freshman means you have to remain a freshman until you begin at the University. University freshman do receive additional scholarships, but that is not the only financial consideration. I am unsure if federal grants are tied to community college courses, or if they are distributed based on how the university determines your status. With policies varying widely, it is important to check
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